= !OverSim Installation Instructions = These instructions show you how to install !OverSim for Linux, but compiling and running !OverSim for Windows or Mac OS X works similar. 1. Requirements for OMNeT++ and !OverSim: * [http://tcl.sourceforge.net/ Tcl/Tk 8.4 + optionally BLT] * [http://gmplib.org/ libgmp] If you have a debian-based distribution like Ubuntu you can install these packages with: {{{ sudo apt-get install tk8.4-dev libgmp3-dev blt-dev }}} 2. Download [http://www.omnetpp.org/filemgmt/visit.php?lid=164 OMNeT++ 4.0] from http://www.omnetpp.org/ after reading the [http://www.omnetpp.org/external/license.php License] 3. Create a new directory (in the following we assume you want to install OMNeT++ and !OverSim to ~/sim/) and extract OMNeT++: {{{ mkdir ~/sim cd ~/sim tar xzf /tmp/omnetpp-4.0-src.tgz }}} 4. Add the following lines to your .bashrc or .profile: {{{ export PATH=~/sim/omnetpp-4.0/bin:$PATH }}} 5. Compile OMNeT++. {{{ cd ~/sim/omnetpp-4.0 ./configure make }}} 6. Download the patched version of the INET framework [http://www.oversim.org/chrome/site/INET-OverSim-20090317.tgz INET-OverSim-20090317.tgz] and extract in next to your OMNeT++ installation: {{{ cd ~/sim tar xzf /tmp/INET-OverSim-20090317.tgz }}} 7. Compile the INET framework: {{{ make }}} 8. Download the latest !OverSim snapshot [http://www.oversim.org/chrome/site/OverSim-20090320.tgz OverSim-20090320.tgz] and extract in next to your OMNeT++ installation: {{{ cd ~/sim tar xzf /tmp/OverSim-20090320.tgz }}} 9. Compile !OverSim: {{{ cd ~/sim/OverSim-20090320 make }}} Congratulations - now you should have a working !OverSim installation! For instructions how to use !OverSim look at OverSimUsage. If you want to install obsolete OverSim releases visit the OldOverSimInstall page.