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OverSim Usage

First steps with OverSim:

  • change into directory OverSim/simulations
  • start OverSim by typing
  • choose a simulation scenario (e.g. Chord)
  • press the Run button in OMNeT++'s main window
  • ... watch & enjoy ...
  • press the Stop button to pause simulation
  • end OverSim by closing OMNeT++'s main window
    (press Yes to invoke finish()-method call in all OMNeT++ modules)
  • If you want to simulate large networks like the predefined simulation scenario ChordLarge invoke OverSim without GUI:
    ../src/OverSim -uCmdenv -cChordLarge
  • The simulation results get stored in the simulations/results directory. Use the supplied python scripts or the Eclipse IDE for postprocessing.

Editing parameters:

  • Edit simulations/omnetpp.ini to change or define new simulation scenarios
    (default parameters are stored in simulations/default.ini, parameters are described on the OverSimAPI pages)
  • Make use of the OMNeT++ ini file syntax for easy parameter studies. This is an example for a study on Chord with different churn rates, two different stabilize intervals and 5 different seeds. Simply add this section to simulations/omnetpp.ini:
    repeat = 5
    *.underlayConfigurator.churnGeneratorTypes = "oversim.common.LifetimeChurn"
    **.overlayType = "oversim.overlay.chord.ChordModules"
    **.tier1Type = "oversim.applications.kbrtestapp.KBRTestAppModules"
    **.targetOverlayTerminalNum = 100
    **.initPhaseCreationInterval = 0.1s
    **.measurementTime = 500s
    **.transitionTime = 100s 
    **.overlay.chord.stabilizeDelay = ${stab=5, 60}s
    **.lifetimeMean = ${lifetime=1000, 2000, 10000}s
  • Run this parameter study:
    ../src/OverSim -cChordChurn -uCmdenv

Use the post-processing scripts to generate plots

  • Install python (with matplotlib, numpy and scipy) and gnuplot.
    • On Ubuntu:
      sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib python-scipy gnuplot
    • On Windows:
  • View the results with 95% confidence intervals by using the script simulation/tools/
    tools/ -c0.95 lifetime "KBRTestApp: One-way Delivery Ratio.mean" results/ChordChurn-*.sca
  • To generate gnuplot output append -o chord_churn to the script parameters. This will generate chord_churn.plot and chord_churn.dat files, which can be used as input to gnuplot. Call gnuplot like this to generate a publication quality chord_churn.eps plot:
    gnuplot chord_churn.plot
  • To plot a vector file (e.g. the routing latency) use the simulations/tools/ script. The following creates a plot with 95% confidence intervals aggregating all vectors in buckets of 60 seconds:
    tools/ -b 60 -c0.95 -i"lifetime=1000\""  "KBRTestApp: One-way Latency" results/ChordChurn-*.vec

Tips for using the Eclipse IDE

  • Start the IDE with omnetpp
  • To start simulations from Eclipse, select OverSim in the project explorer,
    click on Run simulations and select simulations/omnetpp.ini
  • To view simulation results, use the project explorer and double click
    on a .sca file in the simulations/results directory
  • Set the OverSim coding style in Preferences by importing
    the style from doc/EclipseOverSimCodeStyle.xml
Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on Dec 7, 2012, 2:30:31 PM
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